Lectures on Teaching Grade Six
These lectures were given by Eugene Schwartz at Essential Conferences in Mancos, CO, or Kimberton, PA. They are addressed, first and foremost, to Waldorf teachers about to embark on teaching this grade, but they have been applied to home schooling situations with equal success. Although each lecture is meant to be of immediate practical help to teachers in real-life classrooms, they also emphasize the importance of permeating lessons with a firm anthroposophical foundation. The motto of the Essential Conferences is "Know What. Know How. Know Why" and we believe that these three imperatives live in these lectures.
These lectures were given by Eugene Schwartz at Essential Conferences in Mancos, CO, or Kimberton, PA. They are addressed, first and foremost, to Waldorf teachers about to embark on teaching this grade, but they have been applied to home schooling situations with equal success. Although each lecture is meant to be of immediate practical help to teachers in real-life classrooms, they also emphasize the importance of permeating lessons with a firm anthroposophical foundation. The motto of the Essential Conferences is "Know What. Know How. Know Why" and we believe that these three imperatives live in these lectures.

601: The Sixth Grade Challenge

601D: The Sixth Grade Challenge/Download

602: Artistry and Academics

602D: Artistry & Academics

603: Teaching Geometrical Drawing

603D: Teaching Geometrical Drawing/Download

604: Teaching Roman History, Part 1

604D: Teaching Roman History, Part 1/Download

605: Teaching Roman History, Part 2

605D: Teaching Roman History, Part 2/Download

325: Teaching Christianity as History: Grade 6 Main Lessons on the Life of Jesus/On 3 CDs
Shortly before he was to teach the segment of Roman History dealing with the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth, Eugene Schwartz received a phone call from a parent whose sixth grader had grown seriously ill and was likely to miss the next several days of school. Would Eugene be willing to record the main lessons he taught on this important and controversial subject? Eugene agreed, and the recording of several days of main lessons, which includes questions (and comments!) by a decidedly pluralistic group of sixth graders, makes for a unique CD. This recording is especially helpful for any teacher about to embark on this subject.

325D: Teaching Christianity as History: Grade 6 Main Lessons on the Life of Jesus/Download
The same contents as #325 above. Shipping and Handling are free.