Class Plays by Eugene Schwartz
For thirty years Eugene Schwartz’s class plays have been a mainstay of the Waldorf movement; plays such as Noah and the Flood and A Roman Comedy have been performed hundreds of times worldwide. Since taking on his most recent class, Eugene has rewritten his fourth grade, sixth grade, and seventh grade plays and written an entirely new play for fifth grade. These plays are designed to meet the needs of today’s student – the “Millennial Child” – and they are filled with more action, more humor, and more will activity. For the first time all of Eugene's plays may be found together on a CD-ROM. This disk also includes photos of performances of several of the plays and program and poster designs by students.
The Following Plays are Included on this CD-ROM:
The Nixie of the Mill Pond, a First Grade Play: The Grimms' Fairy Tale serves as the foundation for this short play which incorporates music and eurythmy.
The Fire on Tara, a Second Grade Play: Upon St. Patrick's return to Ireland, he and his followers lit a fire atop Tara Mountain, alerting the Druids that a new spiritual impulse had arrived on their island. The Druids' challenge to Patrick and his powerful response offer a dramatic experience for a large or small class.
Noah and the Flood, a Third Grade Play: One of the most widely-performed plays in Waldorf schools worldwide, this play offers roles for first graders (the animals) and second graders (the rowdy townschildren) as well as a rich variety of parts for a third grade class.
Thor Triumphant, a Fourth Grade Play: In this extensively revised version of Thor, with Giants, Loki tries to trick Thor into taking up an impossible challenge at the hand of a Jotun king. Valkyries, warriors, giants, and Aesir provide many roles for a class of from 15 to 35 children.
The Wonderful Sum, a Fourth Grade Thanksgiving Play: Based on an incident in the life of the great mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss, this short comedy portrays his discovery of a startling arithmetical method -- at age ten!
Themistocles and the Persian War, a Fifth Grade Play: In this new play, the quarrels of the Olympian gods result in the fateful battle between Athens and the Persian Empire. Themistocles alone knows how strategy may prove stronger than superior numbers and a powerful fleet. A good play for a large class!
Roma/Amor, a Sixth Grade Play:
In this thoroughly revised version of A Roman Comedy, a play which has had over 1500 performances worldwide since it was first written, the romantic adventures of Roman twins unfold against the background of Nero’s Rome and ancient Jerusalem. Music, swordplay and eurythmy bring a great deal of action to a play that works well for a class of any size.
The Black Stones, a Sixth Grade Play for Michaelmas or Thanksgiving: This short play is based on the true story of Eliza Kimberly, a Kansas farm girl whose passion for meteorites proved more powerful than the skepticism of a renowned astronomer.
Eleanor the Queen, a Seventh Grade Play: In this newly rewritten version of Her Three Kings, Eleanor of Aquitaine is seen through the eyes of her first and second husbands – King Louis of France and King Henry of England – and her son Richard the Lion-Heart. The final third of the play takes place during the Crusades, making the play especially relevant for the 21st century. This is a long and demanding play that has been a "rite of passage" into adolescence for many Waldorf students.

301: Class Plays for Grades One through Seven

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