Written and Narrated by Eugene Schwartz
In the thirty-five years that I have been a Waldorf school parent and teacher, the pressing need for stories that touch on the deeper aspects of both Hanukkah and Christmas has grown ever more evident. This is especially true because many interfaith families find their way to Waldorf schools, hoping in that in this "universally human" setting they will find ways to honor and celebrate a multitude of religious traditions. Over the years, in the course of school assemblies, classroom events, and even at the behest of a New York City YMHA, I have written several stories in which I attempt to emphasize the common strivings of those who practice Judeo-Christian faiths. The six stories found on these CDs are a result of these efforts. The Hanukkah stories or the Christmas stories may be purchased on separate audio CDs, or as a set. In either case, a CD-ROM (readable on PC or Mac) with the downloadable text is included.

401: Stories for Hanukkah
The Hanukkah Stories:
Judith and Jason
While still a boy among the Israelites, Jason was kidnapped and adopted by a Greek family. Now he serves as an emissary for the Syrian ruler who has decreed that the Israelites may no longer worship in freedom. When Jason meets Judith, a long-lost companion who is the daughter of Judah the Maccabee, his beliefs -- and his identity -- are shaken, and he must make an irrevocable decision.
The Tale of Rabbi Shammai
At the time of the Emperor Tiberius, while Jerusalem is still a province of the Roman Empire, the brilliant Rabbi Shammai and the humble Rabbi Hillel are engaged in a passionate debate about the lighting of the Hanukah menorah. Shammai's skills in rhetoric and debate make the outcome seem preordained. When an attempt is made on Shammai's life, however, all is utterly changed for him.
The Miracle of the Menorah
Taking place shortly before and after the onset of World War II in Poland, this story traces the interwoven destinies of David, a Jewish boy who lives in the Ghetto, and Nikolay, a Catholic youth whom he meets on a solitary outing. When the Nazis tighten their grip on the city and confiscate all of the oil in the Ghetto, it appears that no menorah flame can shine. It is then that David decides on a desperate course of action, putting his life at risk for the sake of the Festival's celebration.

401D: Stories for Hanukkah/Download
The same contents as #401 above. Shipping and Handling are free.

402: Stories for Christmas
The Christmas Stories:
The Story of a Stone
Recalling his birth in the fiery warmth and light of a volcanic eruption, a round dark stone bemoans his dull existence. On a cold and harsh night, however, he discovers something new about the world and about himself.
What Happened to a Blade of Grass
A magpie takes great delight in taunting a humble blade of grass who dares to take joy in his simple life in spring and summer. As autumn passes and winter comes, the magpie's prediction that nothing can come of a blade of grass appears to be true, until the needs of an overcrowded inn shed new light on the importance of the very smallest living things.
The Solitary Swan
Self-involved and self-preserving, a swan closely guards the little water left to it in an oasis besieged by drought. When barely a drop of water remains, the swan resents the intrusion of a family who have come to the oasis to search for refreshment. The swan is determined to guard his only link to life, until he comes to understand something about sacrifice.

402D: Stories for Christmas/Download
The same contents as #402 above. Shipping and Handling are free.