
Tools for Teaching

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In addition to creating the WaldorfOnline Courses for Grades One through Eight, during the past decade Eugene Schwartz has also created many streaming online courses. With the same breadth and depth that the WaldorfOnline Courses approach the Waldorf curriculum, Eugene's courses explore the challenges, trials, and triumphs that individual teachers and the Waldorf movement face in the twenty-first century.
Among the topics covered by Eugene's courses are gender and identity, DEI, the changing role of the class teacher, artificial intelligence, and efforts to reform and revamp the Waldorf curriculum. Also available are the finest online study of the life and work of Rudolf Steiner and an insightful presentation of the circumstances surrounding the founding of the first Waldorf school in 1919.
In the past, each course was available only once a year. By popular demand, we are now making all of the courses accessible in two ways. Each course will be featured once a year at a reduced fee. And each course will be available for streaming all year long on this new
Catalyst Courses web page.

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A Streaming Online Course
with Eugene Schwartz
Two Days that You Choose

Between the older independent Waldorf schools and the newer and larger public Waldorf schools, it is likely that nowadays a majority of teachers may pay lip service to the Michaelmas Festival as a Waldorf tradition, but do not believe that Michael or his Dragon nemesis are real. Viewing Michael from historical, cultural, and spiritual perspectives, Eugene Schwartz reveals that the Archangel is not only "real" in himself, but is also the foundation of the reality of the Waldorf movement.
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A Streaming Online Course
with Eugene Schwartz
Three Days that You Choose

Although our course title might sound like science fiction, rest assured that the issues this course addresses are not imaginary! In these lectures Eugene Schwartz contends that the eight-year term of the Class Teacher is an essential element in Steiner's vision of an education that would serve children, families, and teachers alike. He examines the flawed rationale behind the diminution of the Class Teacher's role, providing insights into the 8-year rhythm and the centrality of the continuity of consciousness.
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Two Days that You Choose

The addition of "B" for Belonging to the DEI acronym points to the pervasive sense of loneliness that lives in the souls of so many children today, regardless of race or gender. In this course, Eugene Schwartz examines the ways in which our efforts to understand reincarnation and karma can help us guide a child to find meaning in today's chaotic world. These lectures were given as a prelude to an Alliance for Public Waldorf Education national conference, but they are of equal value to teachers and parents in private Waldorf schools and to anyone working with and for today's children.
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The Rudolf Steiner Course
with Eugene Schwartz
Ten Days that You Choose

Eugene Schwartz has created the first downloadable exploration of Rudolf Steiner's life and work. His aim is to both deepen and broaden our understanding of Steiner’s contributions to the modern world. The result is a series of lectures that explore Steiner’s biography, the times in which he lived, and, above all, the significance of his spiritual path.
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A Streaming Online Course
with Eugene Schwartz
Three Days that You Choose

Every new social problem that arises in the Waldorf movement typically elicits reactions such as, "The Waldorf curriculum can't speak to this problem," or "Rudolf Steiner's century-old approach to child development has to be radically changed to meet this problem." Eugene contends that the Waldorf curriculum and its principles of child development were actually ahead of their time. They can provide what we need to meet today's problems, including gender dysphoria.
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A Streaming Online Course
with Eugene Schwartz

Three Days that You Choose

The more than seven hours of audio lectures and slideshows offered in this weekend course represent the most comprehensive and insightful view of AI available in the Waldorf movement.
In this weekend course Eugene contends that the most important task facing Waldorf educators and parents is to understand the ramifications of artificial intelligence and acknowledge the role that it is already playing in the lives of our students.
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A Streaming Online Course
with Eugene Schwartz
March 21 - 23, 2025

The days in which Waldorf schools were affectionately known for their notoriously slow approach to reading are long gone. Today the emphasis is on speed and the uniformity of "grade level" achievement, and introducing literacy at the KG level. Eugene Schwartz recognizes the pressures that both public and private Waldorf teachers face in today's classroom. He also respects and admires the research and persistence with which Waldorf's literacy experts have worked to transform our approach to reading. But in this course he presents compelling reasons to slow down.
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A Streaming Online Course
with Eugene Schwartz
April 21 - 25, 2025
or Five Days that You Choose

Since the denunciation of Rudolf Steiner’s alleged racist statements by AWSNA there have been important questions about the viability of the hundred-year-old Waldorf curriculum in the face of the growing challenges of the twenty-first century. Eugene Schwartz has endeavored to present a serious analysis of the curricular reform work has been attempted. He poses the question, "Must Waldorf Renewal mean Steiner Removal?"
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1919: Discord & Destiny
with Eugene Schwartz

Three Days that You Choose

Eugene Schwartz contends that the turbulent year of 1919 was destined to be the only year in which Rudolf Steiner could have founded Waldorf education. Eugene places this new school in the context of the tumultuous months after World War One. He explores the ramifications of the worldwide Influenza epidemic and other earth-shaking events.
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A Streaming Online Course
with Eugene Schwartz

Three Days that You Choose

The US Waldorf movement is unique in the degree of ahrimanic opposition that it must overcome. These lectures look at the urgent foundational and existential questions that are generally avoided in anodyne Waldorf conferences and publications. Decisions on the part of schools and Waldorf leadership that have weakened the schools in the 21st century. A Modest Proposal to overcome racism in Waldorf schools and communities.